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BeneLux Cup 2021

On May 30 took place the 7th edition of the Greater Region & BeNeLux Cup international tournament. Unfortunately after having canceled the 2020 edition we still could not accommodate our friends in Schuttrange due to the restrictions in force but we were happy to be able to welcome them virtually. The gymnasts of Rythmica Lux presented themselves among more than 100 participants from neighboring countries and here are the results.

We thank all the participants for this competitive spirit, the judges for their work during the tournament as well as the club management and our coaching team and all those who made this virtual party possible.

BeneLux Cup 2019

More than 180 gymnasts representing 9 countries took part in this sports event. The tournament was open for three preparation levels of gymnasts: starting with those who train around 10 hours a week and finishing with those who devote to training activities more than 20 hours a week. 


185 rue Principale, L-5366 Munsbach

©2019 by Rythmica Lux Schuttrange

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